The Five Critical Distinctions You Must Make To De-Condition Emotional Eating Behavior

To stop your emotional eating once and for all you must make five critical distinctions that allow you to de-condition eating so it doesn’t automatically occur whenever one of the triggers or rewards shows up.

The Lefkoe De-conditioning Process helps you make all the necessary distinctions. Specifically the LDP assists you to do the following:

1. You realize that you wanted the “reward” (e.g., feeling loved), not
what got rewarded (e.g., eating). That enables you to find healthier ways to
get the reward than overeating.

2. You recognize that you wanted what eating provided, for example, a
pleasurable distraction from a trigger, not the eating itself. In other words,
you wanted to stop the “trigger” (e.g., having negative feelings), you didn’t
want eating (which was just one arbitrary behavior) that provided you with a
pleasurable distraction.

3. You realize that something you thought was “the truth” because you
thought you ”saw” it in the world, namely, that eating was the best way to
get what you wanted (either a reward or a pleasurable distraction from a
negative trigger), never really was in the world. You never saw it. That was
merely a thought that has existed only in your mind as one possible meaning
to gave to a series of events you were trying to understand earlier in your

4. You realize that eating never really gave you what you wanted. It
provided a momentary reward or relief from a negative feeling, but as soon
as you finished eating, you were right back where you started.

5. When you are conditioned to eat, knowing that there are alternatives
to eating doesn’t stop the eating. But once eating has been de-conditioned,
you are able to identify and use healthier ways to get rewards or a
pleasurable distraction than overeating.

When you use the Lefkoe De-conditioning Process to make these and other distinctions, your eating conditioning gets de-conditioned. And the overeating that had been due to the conditioning stops easily and for good. If beliefs also happen to be involved,
and they aren’t in most cases, once they have been easily eliminated all
emotional eating stops for good.

Once you do that, you are free from the prison emotional eating has
locked you in— free to experience a slimmer body, greater energy and the
peace of mind that comes from an end to your struggle with food.

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