Research Validates Our Approach

A reader of my eBook on emotional eating, Susan Vendeland, just posted on my blog.  Because she points out that a lot of current research validates my approach for eliminating overeating, I wanted to share it with you.

“Thank you for your generous sharing of your report. [] I began teaching a college course this last semester, the Prevention of Obesity and Eating Disorders. We talked about emotional eating both as a personal problem linked to obesity and eating disorders and as a community health problem.

“I appreciate your insight into the genesis and healing of emotional eating and this is consistent with approaches taken by those who treat eating disorders including binge eating disorder. A report by the Hartman group, a market research firm in Seattle, addresses the cultural aspects of overeating in America and basically describes the widespread social acceptance of emotional eating as the driver for the ‘obesity epidemic.’

“In my course, we focus on emotional self-awareness, intuitive eating, awareness of weight discrimination and self and body acceptance to address out of control eating.

I listened to the video and appreciate what Donna [Bauer,] said about celebratory eating as well. Researchers at UCSF (Mary Dallman’s group) and others have provided evidence and a neuro-physiological explanatory model for comfort or stress eating so acceptance in the scientific community of this adverse habit is growing.

“Do you have plans to demonstrate the effectiveness of your treatment in a randomized controlled trial anytime soon?
 [I am very interested in conducting such a study as soon as we find a university that wants to do such a study with us.]

“I would also like to tell you that I really appreciated the way you tried to encourage Donna to get in touch with how good she feels in multiple dimensions from gaining control of her eating (and the self-respect that accompanies that) rather than just the pleasure of losing weight and receiving myriad compliments.

“There are many people who emotionally eat but are not necessarily overweight. They may do large or even excessive amounts of exercise to compensate so weight loss should not be the goal, but rather energy, health, vitality, wellness, feeling in control, and knowing how to deal with the reality of our emotional selves.  [Our goal is to help clients stop their emotional eating, which will ultimately reduce their weight, but our focus is not on weight loss as such. That is focusing on a symptom, not the cause.]

“Thanks again. You are doing very good work.”

For more details, please see my eBook, The Secret to Ending Overeating For Good, at  You also can get answers to specific questions at my office, 415-884-0552.

Copyright © 2011 Morty Lefkoe

6 thoughts on “Research Validates Our Approach”

  1. Hi, Morty!
    Thank you for your amazing work, it really helps!

    I’ve been wondering for some time about one thing about your EE solution and LDP process, and decided to ask your directly. Is this type of treatment helpful with other addictions, such as addiction to cigarretes and alcohol? Some of my friends are addictive to alcohol, so it would be great if your process could help them. Though, I don’t recall any mentions of these addictions on your site, so there may be other *VERY SPECIAL* types of conditioning involved in those addictions’ mechanisms? 🙂 Then worl is waiting for you to discover them! Btw, what do you thing about Allen Karr’s work on this problem? It seems to be somehow related to your approach and also has proven to be highly effective (maybe the #1 solution to quit smoking throughout all history). But nevertheless there is fraction of people who just can’t *GET IT* from his books so they are not helping. (maybe those folks just don’t have enough intellect or dilligence to carefully follow the “process” intervowen in narration) – then it may be worthwhile to extract this process from his books and make it explicit and accurate, so that everyone can follow.

    with apologizes for my poor english,
    would be excited to hear what you think about this,

    1. Hi Alex,

      We can help people eliminate the beliefs that have people “need” the addiction. But there is also a physical addiction that our work will not help with.

      Once people get help with the physiological aspect of an addiction, we can help.


  2. Thanks for your reply, Morty

    As Karr has proven (and many people who’ve undergone his treatment), the physiological aspect of addiction is far less powerful component than ‘beliefs’ part. At least it’s true for nicotine and ethanol. It never goes beyond slight feeling of “emptiness” and hunger for theese substances and completely fades away by the third week. So with positive attitude, having all the psychological part cleared, it’s sustained pretty easily.

    What’s your own experience with theese addictions? Do you help people to eliminate them with the same effectivenes as emotianl eating problem. Is LDP suitable for it? Sorry for asking too much – I’m just very interested in all this 🙂 Btw, I successfully applied LDP to myself and it really helped. I no longer compelled to eat in situations of stress and “not worthiness” as it was before. Thank you once again 🙂

    1. Hi ALex,

      We have not had a lot of experience with addictions so I can’t really answer your questions.

      Glad to hear that our work has helped you with you own eating problem.

      Love, Morty

  3. Hi Morty, I loved the ebook, I went to look at the course and found out it was some workshop.

    As a customer of your Re-Create Your Life website and soon to be of your parenting course, it would be great if your emotional eating was in a similar format OR added to your Re-Create Your Life website.

    I believe you would have more people join if it was.
    Well I know I would join and I have many family members as well, who have struggled with weight issues for years or decades.

    All the best

    1. Hi Jason,

      Thanks for your interest in our work.

      At this point we are unable to put together a course for emotional eating as the problem is too individual. In other words, the conditionings and beliefs are so different for each person that right now I’m not sure how to create a course for a lot of different people.

      Procrastination and a fear of public speaking are pretty much the same for all people, so we can create a program that will work for most people. I’m not sure how to do that yet for emotional eating.

      We can help people with that problem in our one-on-one phone or Skype sessions. For information about those call us at 415-884-0552.

      Love, Morty

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